Calorie Burner: How Many Calories Does Plank Exercise Consume?

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive into the calorie-burning potential of a classic exercise that has stood the test of time – the plank. We all know that planks are fantastic for strengthening the core, but have you ever wondered how many calories you can burn while holding that challenging position?

Well, the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. The number of calories burned during a plank exercise depends on various factors such as your body weight, metabolism rate, and muscle-to-fat ratio. However, on average, performing a plank can help you burn approximately two to five calories per minute, based on your body weight.

Now, let’s break it down. The key here is the isometric nature of the exercise. Isometric exercises involve contracting specific muscle groups in a static position, which helps to engage and strengthen multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

By focusing on holding a plank position, you activate your core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques. Additionally, planks also engage other muscles in your arms, legs, neck, and shoulders, resulting in a comprehensive workout for your entire body.

While the number of calories burned may not be as high as some more intense cardio exercises, the benefits of planking extend beyond calorie expenditure. Planks can help reduce the risk of injury, improve posture, strengthen the shoulders, increase endurance, and enhance flexibility.

Ready to take your planking game to the next level? Stay tuned as we explore different plank variations and how you can make the most out of this exercise to achieve your fitness goals!

Key Takeaways:

  • Plank exercise burns approximately two to five calories per minute, based on body weight.
  • Isometric exercise engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  • Planks target the core muscles and also engage muscles in the arms, legs, neck, and shoulders.
  • Planks help improve posture, reduce the risk of injury, increase endurance, and enhance flexibility.
  • The calorie burn of planks may vary depending on factors such as body weight, duration, and intensity of the exercise.

Benefits of Planking for Muscle Engagement and Health

Planking is not only effective for burning calories but also offers several benefits for muscle engagement and overall health. When you perform a plank, you engage a variety of muscles throughout your body, providing a comprehensive workout that goes beyond just your core.

Core Muscle Engagement: Planking specifically targets the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques. These muscles work together to stabilize the spine and maintain proper posture.

Additionally, planking engages other muscles in the arms, legs, neck, and shoulders, providing a full-body workout. This engagement helps improve muscle strength, endurance, and coordination.

Reduced Risk of Injury: By strengthening the core muscles, planking can help reduce the risk of injuries, particularly in the lower back. A strong core provides stability and support during everyday activities and more intense physical exercises.

Improved Posture: Planking activates the muscles responsible for maintaining good posture. By strengthening these muscles, planking can help you maintain a more upright position throughout the day, reducing the strain on your neck, shoulders, and back.

Shoulder Strength: Planking also works the muscles in your shoulders, helping to improve their strength and stability. Strong shoulders are important for maintaining proper alignment during various exercises and daily movements.

Increased Endurance: Regular planking builds endurance by requiring you to hold a static position for an extended period. As you progress and increase the duration of your planks, you’ll notice improved stamina and the ability to sustain physical activities for longer periods.

Enhanced Flexibility: Planking stretches and lengthens the muscles in your shoulders, back, and legs, promoting greater flexibility. Improved flexibility not only helps prevent injuries but also allows for a wider range of motion during other exercises.

Planking is a versatile exercise that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, making it an effective addition to any workout routine. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, planking provides numerous benefits for muscle engagement and overall health.

Benefits of Planking
Engages core muscles
Reduces the risk of injury
Improves posture
Strengthens shoulders
Increases endurance
Enhances flexibility

How to Perform Plank Exercise and Variations

Performing a plank exercise correctly is essential to get maximum results and avoid injury. To do a basic plank, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Lie facedown on a mat.
  2. Lift your torso up.
  3. Rest on your forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulders.
  4. Squeeze your inner thighs and glutes.
  5. Curl your toes under.
  6. Engage your core.
  7. Raise your knees.
  8. Hold your body in a straight line.

Maintain proper form by keeping your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. Start with holding the plank for 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration as you build strength and endurance.

Variations of the plank can add variety and intensity to your workout routine. Here are a few plank exercise variations to try:

  1. Leg-Raise Plank: Lift one leg off the ground while maintaining a straight body position. Alternate legs.
  2. Side Plank: Rest on one forearm and rotate your body to the side, lifting your hips off the ground. Hold the position for the desired duration. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Resistance Plank: Place a resistance band around your wrists or ankles and perform the plank exercise while maintaining tension in the band.

These variations can increase the challenge and calorie burn of the exercise, targeting different muscle groups and adding variety to your plank routine.

how to do a plank

For a visual demonstration of how to perform a basic plank and these variations, watch the following video:

By incorporating these plank exercise variations into your routine, you can challenge your muscles and continue making progress in your fitness journey.

The Calorie-Burning Potential of Plank Exercise

When it comes to calorie burn, plank exercise can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine. The number of calories you burn during a plank exercise depends on several factors, including your body weight, the duration of the exercise, and the intensity of your workout.

On average, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 3 calories per minute while holding a plank position. However, it’s important to note that the calorie burn can vary for individuals of different weights. The more you weigh, the more calories you can potentially burn during the exercise.

To maximize the calorie burn of plank exercise, you can increase the duration and intensity of your planking sessions. By holding the plank position for longer periods of time or incorporating challenging variations, such as plank jacks or mountain climbers, you can increase the calorie expenditure and enhance the effectiveness of the exercise.

While plank exercise may not be the most calorie-burning exercise compared to high-intensity cardio workouts, it is still highly effective for toning and strengthening the core muscles. Planks engage not only the abdominal muscles but also the back, shoulders, and glutes, providing a comprehensive full-body workout.

So, if you’re looking to burn calories and strengthen your core, incorporating plank exercise into your fitness routine is a great way to achieve your goals.

calorie burn of plank exercise

Incorporating Planks Into a Well-Rounded Fitness Routine

Planks are a valuable addition to a well-rounded fitness routine that includes both strength training and cardiovascular exercises. While planks may not be the primary exercise for weight loss, incorporating them into your routine offers numerous benefits, especially for core strength.

When it comes to weight loss, planks play a supportive role by strengthening the core muscles. A strong core improves overall stability and balance, making other activities like cardio exercises more effective. Additionally, planks help develop the muscles in your abdomen, back, and pelvis, which can enhance the efficiency of your workouts.

To get the most out of your fitness routine, combine planks with other exercises such as running, swimming, or cycling. These cardio activities increase your heart rate, boosting calorie burn and promoting weight loss. By adding planks to your routine, you’ll engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, maximizing the benefits of your workout.

Consulting with a fitness coach or personal trainer can help you create a customized fitness routine that incorporates planks and other exercises effectively. They can provide guidance on proper form, suggest variations to challenge yourself, and ensure that you’re targeting the right muscles.

Remember, a well-rounded fitness routine is key to achieving your fitness goals. Incorporate planks into your workouts and experience the benefits of improved core strength, enhanced stability, and increased calorie burn.


Planking is a highly effective exercise for toning and strengthening the core muscles. While it may not be the most calorie-burning exercise, planks offer numerous benefits for muscle engagement, posture improvement, and overall health. Incorporating planks into a well-rounded fitness routine can contribute to weight loss efforts and enhance overall fitness.

To get the most out of planking, it’s important to perform the exercise correctly. Maintain proper form, engage your core, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your planks over time. This will help you achieve optimal results and minimize the risk of injury. Don’t hesitate to consult a fitness professional for personalized guidance and to ensure safe and effective workouts.

So, whether you’re looking to strengthen your core, improve posture, or enhance overall fitness, planking is a valuable addition to your exercise routine. While it may not burn a significant number of calories, the effectiveness of planking lies in its ability to engage multiple muscles simultaneously, leading to improved muscle tone and overall functional fitness.


How many calories does plank exercise burn?

The plank exercise burns approximately two to five calories per minute, depending on factors such as body weight, metabolism rate, and muscle-to-fat ratio.

What are the benefits of planking for muscle engagement and health?

Planking targets the core muscles and engages other muscles in the arms, legs, neck, and shoulders. It can help reduce the risk of injury, improve posture, strengthen the shoulders, increase endurance, and enhance flexibility.

How do I perform the plank exercise and its variations?

To perform a basic plank, lie facedown on a mat, lift your torso up, rest on your forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulders, engage your core, and hold your body in a straight line. Variations of the plank include leg-raise planks, side planks, and resistance planks. Here is a video demonstration and step-by-step instructions for performing a basic plank and several variations.

What is the calorie-burning potential of plank exercise?

On average, a person weighing 150 pounds burns approximately 3 calories per minute while holding a plank position. However, the calorie burn can vary based on factors such as body weight, exercise intensity, and duration of the exercise.

How can I incorporate planks into a well-rounded fitness routine?

Planks can be incorporated into a fitness routine that includes both strength training and cardiovascular exercises. While they may not be the primary exercise for weight loss, planks contribute to overall core strength, which can improve performance in other activities and enhance weight loss efforts.

What is the conclusion about planking and its effectiveness?

Planking is a highly effective exercise for toning and strengthening the core muscles. While it may not be the most calorie-burning exercise, planks offer numerous benefits for muscle engagement, posture improvement, and overall health. Incorporating planks into a well-rounded fitness routine can contribute to weight loss efforts and enhance overall fitness.

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